Back to my roots Flash Sale

Well, VIP, the past couple of years has been quite transformative!

Both on individual and collective levels.

I know we've gone through a lot on the collective levels - and still are. But stay with me for a moment. Let's go a little deeper into this and see what's going on.

Basically we have been asked to go back to our roots. For some of us that has meant literally and physically moving back to the home towns where we were raised - or more remote areas. (Picture Dumbledore's army)

For some of this it also means going back to the basics.
We're elevating our level of basic needs and what that looks like.

I have been doing this in many ways... connecting with my heritage, renewed interests that I had growing up, and actually moving to the small town that I said I would never move back to. ha! 

As an aries, I am always about moving forward. Personal, professional, spiritual growth.
I've always been so focused on that.

Then they shared with me...
"It's important for us to remember where we came from."

We have lessons that we wanted to learn with our family of origin and we have soul lessons we are continually working on that weave throughout our life.
And reconnecting and integrating this is what makes us whole.

Just like doing the shadow work.
Just like connecting with our ego helps us develop our intuition.

With this, I have also been feeling pulled to go back to my roots with YOU.

This means that for the next few days I'm offering a Back to my roots Flash Sale!

Which means that I'm reconnecting with my beginnings of my offerings.

It's a 'pay what you can' type of special.

I'll be offering Private Energy Healing Sessions: 90-minutes and 60-minutes.
90-minutes for new or returning clients
60-minutes for returning clients only

And the rates reflect the various rates throughout the years.
Of course as my skills increased and tool box expanded, rates increased.
But until Sunday, 10/20/19 at 11:59pm PT, you get to choose the rate that works for you!

Best part?
No limit! Grab as many as you want.
They can be purchased for others - think gifts!

Just use them by the end of the year and you're good to go!

New to the VIP community?
You can learn more about people's experiences with Private Energy Healing Sessions, here.

Want less stress?
Want to integrate what's been going on lately?
Ready for some answers or looking for some validation around what you're experiencing?

A private energy healing session can help you with any or all of the above.

Well, VIP, I look forward to working with you!
AND I would LOVE to read from YOU! What is a 'back to your roots' transformation that you've been experiencing the past couple of years? Just hit reply and share with me.

Vibrant blessings, 

ashley koe

Energy Intuitive
Certified Reiki Master Teacher
Founder of Align & Thrive™

PS. Registration for the Reiki weekend course in Carefree, Arizona at CIVANA Wellness Resort closes this Sunday as well!

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