Black Friday, Small Biz Saturday, Cyber Monday

Last week we started a 14-Day Autumn Light Experience!  

We're on Day 7 now, just know that you can join in and experience it at any time when you remember or it pops up on your feed.

On Insta and FB I've been posting all about what activates joy/gratitude/light within me and sharing your posts as well! 

It's been so much fun reading people's emails, posts and shares about this experience!

In case you feel like joining, these eare some of the hashtags we've been using for this: #LightYourWay #SeeYourLight #AutumnalLight 

Thank you for sharing so much light! 
Even if you're doing your own introverted practice, know that you are still in community with us during this. smiles.

Black Friday Announcement: 

I'm sure, like me, you've been getting innudated with every retail store and business you've ever given your email address to - maybe multiple times a day - whew! Holy guacamole it's A LOT! 

Especially since they've turned this into a Black FriDAY into a month, it's been a bit overwhelming...

Interestingly enough I've actually seen some info that this year is predicted to be one of the biggest economic spending holiday seasons ever. Like, woah.

Not to mention that we’ve also got the rest of the weekend.. #SmallBusinessSaturday, #CyberMonday, etc.

As empathic change agents, I know you're doing your best to donate to and share about your favorite non-profits and causes and doing what you can for the individuals in your communities who might be needing some extra support. 
And I'm sure you're also promoting your friends and family's small businesses. Those posts are always so much fun to see on facebook!

Since I know you're so intentional about where you put your dollars, I felt pulled to remind you a few of options here as well: 

​1) Book your own private session / package / VIP Day ​
to ensure your support during the holy-day and eclipse season, and even into 2021 since they're all good for 6 months!

​2) Gfit Certificates 
These can be used for you or can be a phenomenal gift to others (where it's pandemic-safe, people can access healing from home, and even integrate all the changes that have happened this year) - AND these can be donated. 
Or get a package and it can be a combination of you AND others! All while saving money! 
With this pandemic, I've seen some incredible generosity from this community! Gift Certificates for sessions have been donated to loved ones, colleagues and specifically for BIPOC who are seeking support and healing. If you'd also like to contribute to this, please reply to this email. 

​3) Self Paced Online Reiki Course - still here for your taking. hahaha
It's a trauma-informed, healing-centric, soul-aligned approach to you learning Reiki as an empathic change agent. Learn how to use energy to your benefit rather than your detriment. Feel empowered with energy as an empath. 

Bad news: I'm not offering an additional steep discounted deal on my offerings (I know....what kind of Black Friday email is this?!).
Good news: As I have been for months, I AM continuing to offer all of my services at three sliding scale rates and low monthly payment plans, for now
This includes EVERY OFFERING: Private SessionsVIP DaysSession Packages and the Self Paced Online Reiki Course.

Possbily bad news: I have a feeling the Sliding Scale rates might be leaving soon. If you saw that 'for now' above, you were right!

Well, that was a reverse sandwich... hmmm...

Let's balance it out with some more good news: 
#ProTip1: Best deals are in packages
#ProTip2: Get a New Client package and gift the New Client 90-mins session to someone and then use the 2- 60-mins current client sessions for you! 

There you go, luv!

No matter how you choose to spend your money this week, know that I am so very thankful to get to show up and do this work in the world. 
To get to support empathic change agents like yourself, people who deeply care about the sacred ways in which we treat others, break cycles of trauma and consciously heal ourselves and therefore our world, it's truly the biggest gift ever. 

Thank you for continuing to share about this work with others: your friends, family and colleagues. 
Thank you for being willing to suit up, show up and do the work with me. It's not always love and light but we can continue to connect and heal the heavy and dark so that the light may shine through and we remember that we are divine Love.

In joy, gratitude, and love, 

ashley koe