Why waiting for things to calm down after ____ is hurting you

I know 2020 has been a tough ride on many, MANY levels. Not only do we have global crises financially, environmentally and systematically, but we also have it nationally. The amount of divisiveness is overwhelming at minimum. I believe that is one of the few things that everyone can agree on.

Being an empathic change agent in 2020 is not for the faint of heart.

In the pain we're asked to really pay attention to things. Think of physical pain, we tend to stop and drop everything and pay attention to it. Or if we don't, it stops us in our tracks.. literally.

Here's the deal, {{ subscriber.first_name }}, and I want you to stay with me here because I DO have a solution for you. I don't tell you this to overwhelm you. I tell you this to keep things real. To share that even when we know things will happen we can get through them. To keep us out of denial and in truth. Divine truth. So that we may be equipped and prepared to continue to do life in 2020.

Let's be honest, being a person who feels things easily, is in tune with energies and can deeply cares about our world, 2020 has hit every category possible. And it can take us down. In fact it can take us down again and again if we let it.

Believe it or not, I've actually been working with empathic change agents this year who are thriving even with everything going on.

Okay, are you ready?

Okay, take a deep breath. Good.

If you need/want to, take another one. And feel the love and support of the Universe.

Here it is:
Things aren’t going to get better or ‘back to normal’ or ‘calm down’ any time soon.

Again, I don’t say this to freak out your nervous system or heighten your adrenals. So, keep taking breaths until your body releases the tension. and stay with me.

All of the energy and astrological forecasts say that things are intense right now. We’re going through a major growth period. An ascension. There’s a restructuring that is happening. It’s deep, intense individual and collective shadow work. And woweee shadow work sure can bring out the ugly.

AND it helps to get to the truth of things. What’s really holding us back from living our best life. The limiting beliefs, the traumas, the things that aren’t working. And doing this work is very transformative. Healing even.

So continuing to believe that after ___ will happen, then we’ll be okay is hurting you because you’re denying the pain you’re in now. You’re holding on to hope for the future instead of living in the moment. And what miracles and goodness are you missing right now? There is still light even in the darkness.

We need to be real with ourselves. If 2020 has taught us anything it’s that the future isn’t guaranteed and all we have is this moment. I’ll be doing another blog soon on the themes of 2020, so watch for that coming soon. But in the meantime, allow yourself to be fully present in the present moment.
Feel the feels.
Take in what’s around you.
And know that we ARE getting through this.

Know that you’re not alone. If you’re wanting more support for the remainder of 2020, and to learn how those empathic change agents are thriving while shit’s hitting the fan, check out Align & Thrive™.
The doors are opening up tomorrow with a lovely Early Bird Bonus - Hello New Moon!

This program has transformed the lives of many empathic change agents to

  • reclaim their energy and go from overwhelmed to centered and grounded,

  • discern if it’s their energy or someone else’s,

  • trust their intuition and soul’s guidance, and even,

  • be in community with other empathic change agents

and to be honest, most have gone through this program during major life transitions.

If these resonates with you, head over to Align & Thrive™ and check it out.
My goal is for empathic change agents to feel supported and thrive while being of service to our world.

Wishing you that and New Moon goodness!

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