Announcement + Thank you

I promised to let you know when I knew, and well, luv,
more has been revealed!

***EDITED and updated on 12/26/20***


It is with great joy, gratitude and sadness that I share this announcement with you, my amazing community. The community who has continued to grow with me over the years from my handwritten forms to a worldwide online network of the most phenomenal change agents. The community who has continued to invite me into your hearts, lives, inboxes and spaces (both online and in person).

Like ripping off a band-aid, here’s what’s happening:
Private Sessions as have known them for the past 10 years are coming to an end.

You see, 2020 has brought us many things. Not trying to add to the loses; in fact, I am flowing with the energies myself and I am intentionally curating my life and honoring my energy. True to form, I will never ask you to do something I have not already done or am willing to do myself. Aligning with that means that it is with sadness and complete gratitude (and a little bit of fear/nervousness - hello ego 🙃) that I share with you that Private Sessions as we have known them are officially coming to an end.

I will be focusing all of my efforts on group coaching through Align & Thrive™ and the Self Paced Online Reiki Course. I am not sure if there will be another option on how to work with me coming to fruition, but know that it has truly been an honor to be of service in this capacity to you all.
The beautiful souls that I’ve gotten to meet along the way, supporting them on their healing journey, sharing tools, ‘homework’ and various reframes and perspectives have been such an incredible experience. I’ve had the honor of channeling people’s loved ones, their Spirit Guides, messages from ancestors and their Highest Selves.
And the places that I’ve traveled and gotten to do sessions… both in person (from DC to Miami to Hawai’i to Rocky mountains, beaches, conferences, and more) and online with people from all over the world in so many different countries. I thank you.

I will continue to mentor and coach those empathic change agents and healers who are wanting to confidently trust their intuition, decipher energies and honor their soul through Align & Thrive™ and the Self Paced Online Reiki Course. If you feel called to do this healing work and/or work with me, I encourage you to get on the wait list for Align & Thrive™ (doors open in early 2021), and check out the Self Paced Online Reiki Course.

The Good News
Since I can’t (and don’t want to) quit cold turkey, and to help with this transition I will still be honoring all of the Packages and Gift Certificates purchased and Private Sessions and VIP Days booked by Thursday, December 31st, 2020 at 11:59pm PST.
Remember that all Packages and Gift Certificates are good for 6 months from the date of purchase. All Private Sessions can be booked up to 90 days in advance and VIP Days can be booked up to 6 months in advance.
Starting 1/1/21 Private Sessions, VIP Days and Gift Certificates and Packages will all be taken down off my website.
Important note: All Sliding Scale rates will continue to be offered thru 12/31/20 at 11:59pm PST.

1) As of 1/1/21 Private Sessions will no longer be a service I offer on my website.

2) You now have until 12/31/20 at 11:59pm PST to schedule (private session) or purchase a Gift Certificate or package.
❗️These must be paid for by 12/31/20 but can be scheduled and completed in 2021.
📆 Private Sessions can be booked up to 90 days in advance.
📅 Gift Certificates and Packages have six months to be redeemed.

3) If you have already purchased a Package/Gift Certificate you can book it by clicking the blue link in your confirmation email that says, "Schedule".
❗️Make sure you save and mark your confirmation email so you can easily access it when you're ready.
All packages, gift certificates and private sessions that have been purchased or gifted as bonuses for the Self Paced Online Reiki Course or Align & Thrive™ will be honored with their respected expiration dates.

And most importantly, I am absolutely looking forward to working with everyone who books and purchases GCs and packages. I am not ending Private Sessions because they drain me or because I lost my excitement for them. I am ending them because my soul has been asking me to shift things for a while now (few years, tbh). It's time.

It’s a magical time we’re living in and this is a great way to lock in and commit to having support for your own transition that 2021 is bringing you.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me in, trusting me with your healing and referring your friends, family and coworkers to me all of these years. It has been such an honor… and quite the adventure. The most incredible and magical adventure I’ve ever been on.

I will continue to share my work in trauma-informed, healing-centric, soul-aligned ways - just through the courses and programs. So keep those referrals coming. It’s not an ending, just a shift.

Just as I’ve seen countless deep shifts and magical healing take place in these group spaces over the years, I look forward to all the magic that this shift will bring for each of us.


In joy and deep gratitude,

ashley koe

10 Days of Reiki - Day 4

Energetic Autonomy

Yesterday we talked about not feeling that energy overwhelm as an empathic person. It’s because of the boundaries, developing my intuition and ethics that come with being a Reiki practitioner.
Please note that when I say “Reiki Practitioner” I mean anyone who has taken and been attuned to Reiki, not a professional practicing Reiki practitioner.

Here’s the thing, Reiki taught me what I call Energetic Autonomy.

As empaths it can be a default setting for us to be going around being enmeshed in other people’s energies without even knowing it. I believe that this is actually what people are talking about when they continually say they’re feeling drained.
They don’t know that they are powerful beyond measure when it comes to being a steward of energies.

That actually they can feel energized, empowered and invigorated in life and work as an Empath who deeply cares about our world.

This empath experience isn’t meant to be a negative thing. We’re meant to learn from it. Look at how we can step into our power, set boundaries and truly be of service while doing what’s in our Highest Good (read: not over-giving and over extending ourselves).

In order to ‘stay in my lane’ energetically I needed to learn how to:
- Ground - become present with my self (my own energies, my own emotions, my own thoughts)
- Fill my energy with Divine energy (white light, universal energy, grounding energies from the earth or whatever you like)
- Be a channel, not a filter (we’ll get more into this tomorrow) but the point being, not taking on other people’s energies.

So, there you go, luv!
How does that feel?
Did a part of that resonate with you? If so, which part?

Let me know in the comments below!

In joy, gratitude and reiki goodness,

ashley koe

10 days of Reiki - Day 1

We've got 10 days of celebrating!

There are quite a few ancient traditions that celebrate the light during this dark time of the year (northern hemisphere). Let's see, we've got: 12 days of Christmas, 8 nights of Hanukkah, 7 days of Kwanzaa, 5 days of Diwali and there's even a fun 13 days of solstice thing going around on social.

Since I'm celebrating 10 years since I took my very first Reiki course, I thought I would celebrate with YOU, the phenomenal souls that make this all possible!

Here's what we'll be doing...

Over these next 10 days I'll be: 1) Sharing stories about how Reiki has changed my life and how it could change yours (or maybe it already has 🤷🏻‍♀️)

2) Making important announcements regarding my offerings (services and courses)

3) Celebrating YOU! 💫🎉🎈

We'll start today, 12/12 and wrap up on the solstice 12/21... because how fun are those numbers! 😁

Now, I know you have a lot going on right now and just like me you're probably re-prioritizing and de-cluttering and re-organizing things in order to align with your intentions. Same, {{ subscriber.first_name }}, same. #EclipseSeason #NewYear

I am making this promise to you. I promise to make this content worth your time and energy. So beneficial as if you were paying for it. Because you are - with your time and energy.

Okay, luv, let's get this party started!

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The First gift of Reiki

Self Care

Stay with me! I know, I know...everyone and their dog are talking about self care. 🤮 I get it.

And I ask… have you truly done the work to embody this?
Level I of Reiki focuses all on YOU; how you can connect with and heal yourself. It's completely focused on you. Before you even think about using it for others. I LOVE this foundational concept. I believe in it with being of service to others - especially as an empathic change agent. If our well is going to others we have nothing for ourselves let alone anyone else. How is that healing? Is it sustainable? I mean… how can we be the change if we’re not here?

Changing and healing ourselves changes and heals the world.

It's also what brought ME to Reiki.

Feeling run down, the beginning signs of another cold coming on (sniffles, fatigue, sore throat, etc), and realizing that this was yet another month that it was happening.

I know that some of you only know me as the Reiki person. But let me tell you, 10 years + 1 month ago I had NO IDEA what Reiki even was!

I had never experienced any energy work before.

Just had an upbringing that included more holistic approaches to health: massage, chiropractic care, etc.

But I was open.

I was open to the signs the Universe had been showing me.

Feeling frustrated at my job, got my first professional intuitive reading a month before, and was open to what the Universe had in store since moving forward in that profession continually didn’t feel ‘right.’

So, after lots of research, reading, asking questions and some hesitancy, I signed up for the class.

It continues to remind me that when I take care of myself I am more available for others. I am more present. I can even give more.

And I am truly the change I want to be in the world.
I don’t show up frustrated, stressed out or complaining about how others ‘should’ change.

I show up nourished, loving, joy-full and having fun!
I honor all of me.
I am in tune with my energies (physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually) and I don’t take on other people’s energies around me.
My emotions, my experiences, my dark and my light, my humanness and my soul.
Not only am I whole, but I feel whole.

That is what the type of self care that Reiki has gifted me.

Now to you!
Have you felt this type of self care?
If you’ve taken a Level I Reiki class or had a Reiki session, what gift has Reiki given you?


In the spirit of honoring self care, after 12/21 I will be putting any new sales of Private Sessions on hold.

What this means exactly:

You are welcome to book your session, or buy a package or gift certificate until 12/21. But I won’t be offering any new purchases of Private Sessions after 12/21. The link won’t be on my website.
However, if you purchase (or have purchased) a Gift Certificate, Package or book your session now I will be honoring that.
I want to still provide my current community with support during this time.

Important considerations:

The Sliding Scale rates will continue to be offered until 12/21.
Gift Certificates and Packages are valid for six months from the date of purchase. Sessions can be booked up to 90 days in advance.
Honestly, I’m not sure how long this will ‘hold’ last, or even if it’s going to be the end of Private Sessions as we know it, but I know that I am needing some time and energy to be refocused so I can be in alignment with how I am being asked to be of service.

I absolutely LOVE Private Sessions and getting to work with beautiful souls like yourself. AND I need to honor my energy.
So, as always, since I will never ask you to do something I am not willing to do myself - no matter how hard or uncomfortable, here I am putting my words into practice and honoring my own energy. Things are shifting.

Thank you for continuing to allow me to be a part of your healing journey. I continue to feel honored to be entrusted with assisting in any repair and healing that takes place in private sessions. It’s been a miraculous journey that I never saw coming.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

Here’s to self care!

ashley koe

Cyber Monday + Giving Tuesday Specials - BOGO!

I definitely wasn't feeling the whole Black Friday stuff,

But I woke up this morning and felt a nudge to do a "why the heck not" Cyber Monday / Tuesday giving special.

Because you're my people. and my people love giving. So, EVERYTHING is BOGO! 

Buy One, Get/Give One.

You can donate it to a non-profit (for a client or staff member), gift it to someone you care about, or even use it for your own healing. 

Here are the details:

Self Paced Online Reiki Course
Register like you would regularly and I'll email you directly for the other person's email address and we'll get them registered for free!
All bonuses and regular course fine print still apply (course must be completed within one year of the registration date).

Private sessions
75-mins (new or current clients)
45-mins (current clients only)
(You have until 4/30/20 to use them)

VIP Day - directly 50% off, not BOGO, but similar basic concept. smiles.
One-time payment
Monthly payments
(You have until 6/30/20 to use it)

Also, this applies for Tuesday & Wednesday's PopUp Holiday Group Coaching sessions
Register here: Spoken English (Tuesday, 12/3) or ASL (Weds, 12/4).  ​
A $250 value for just $77!
Because, why not? lol! The more the merrier!

Okay, go hog wild! Get all that you'd like! There's no limit!
So you can even forward this email to your friends, family and colleagues, too! 

You've got until 11:59pm PT on Tues, 12/4/19 to take advantage of these amazing deals!

Here's to the season of giving and receiving,

ashley koe
Energy Intuitive Coach
Certified Reiki Master Teacher (CRMT)
Founder of Align & Thrive™

***EXTENDED*** Labor Day Announcements. + Specials

***These specials have been extended to end on 9/9/19***
You get a little bit more time to settle in and still get your special discount or free session!

Hey hey, VIP!
Here are the specials and ways we get to work together for the remainder of 2019!
Can you believe that on Saturday we enter the final trimester of this year?! Holy smokes! Where did the time go!?

Because your time is a precious resource that I honor, here's a quick preview so you can read what you feel pulled to:
- VIP Days
- Private Sessions
- Reiki Classes
- Align & Thrive™

Release, Align, Integrate, Nourish

Imagine spending a day together where we get to allow time and space to make this transition sacred.
You are seen, held, validated and supported. All with ease!
In a country cabin, you get to come and show up exactly as you are.
We spend the day being real about what's going on (read: fears, humanness, guilt, shame, etc.), releasing all that needs to be let go in order for you to move forward with ease.
Allowing you to integrate into your new level of living and all this while staying grounded and clear on what is aligned with your soul and energy.
Whether this change and transition is your personal life (relationship change, life change, etc.) or a professional one (career change, starting a business or shifting things in your business), this is your time.

VIP days are a sacred time where we get to work together in a nurturing, nourishing, sacred healing capacity.
If you're going through a life transition, ready to uncover some deliciousness from your soul with guidance and support on getting there, or you're wanting some time working directly with me to set up the technical aspects of your business, or even a combination of all of the above, this is the time.
We will get to share 4-6 hours together and it can be done either in person at my country cabin or via video conference (zoom).
This is only good until they're gone, then they go up to regular price, so head on over and grab yours now.

I've got 2 more spots at 50% off a VIP day with me!
This is the only time it will ever be this low. Once they are gone, they're gone.
You can schedule yours now (use code "VIP50"), or get it as a Gift Certificate and schedule it later.
Click this link and get lock it in with a 4-month payment plan.
Just make sure to use it before 12/31/19.

Private Sessions

Wanting to check in with your soul and energy? For a limited window of time, Private Sessions are open for booking (or purchasing).
These sessions are 45-mins or 75-mins.
I have been honoring my energy and doing a very limited amount of them this year - as you might have noticed.
For this weekend only, I'm offering another chance to get in and book yours.
You're welcome to book as many as you want until the end of the year. Just know that after Monday, 9/2, it'll close again.

You can schedule yours now, or get them as a Gift Certificate and schedule them later.
Special Packages are also available - save up to $150!
Can be used by multiple people (think upcoming gifts). Must be used by 12/31/19.
Get as many as you want!

Learn Reiki your way

Self Paced Online Reiki Course
Labor Day weekend special!
Sign up for the Self Paced Online Reiki Course and you get a FREE 75-mins Private Session! $250 value!
Use it for yourself or gift it to someone. Also must be used within a year of when you register for the class.
Just click which course you'd like: Spoken English or American Sign Language (ASL)

***UPDATED*** Weekend Course or Retreat Immersion

Okay, a little more information about this special upcoming Reiki Course!
Save the date and spread the info!
Are you ready for this?! I am so stoked about it!
We'll be at the phenomenal CIVANA Resort in Carefree, AZ!!!!
Friday, Oct 25th - Sunday, Oct 27th, 2019
Come join us at this sacred, healing + magical resort!
Most details and course registration is now open! (With more goodies are to come.)
What makes this unique?
Due to the nature of the space, lodging and food are on your own,
but CIVANA has the most delicious foods on the property and when you stay there, as a guest you not only get to stay in a beautiful room, but you also get access to many complimentary holistic classes + experiences, full access to their beautiful property and all that it has to offer (pools, medicinal botanic meditation garden, Aqua Vitality circuit) and more!
Plus, as a Reiki Course registrant you get discounts for lodging, food and spa services!
A roommate finder will be available for those who register.
BONUS: Register by 11:59pm PT on 9/9/19 and your will receive TWO free 75-mins Private Sessions!

Already taken a reiki course, but still want to join? No problem! Just reply to this email and we'll get you registered at a discounted rate.

New around these parts and not sure about what Reiki is exactly? No problem!
Enjoy this Free Intro to Reiki webinar {Spoken English} {ASL}.

Align & Thrive™: Energy Stewardship Program
I've been seriously considering not doing this until next year, but I just can't stay away from it. I love this work so much and I've been missing it.
It's been an adjustment for me to go from doing this work as a year-long program to only a few months as an online course.
So, let's do this!
The energies are amp-ing up, I can feel that people are R-E-A-D-Y to deepen their practice and take things to the next level. Especially as we head into 2020... uh huh, you know what I'm talking about. *coughs - election year*
So, we'll be starting this 8-week online program on October 1st. (I know it might seem like that's a ways away, but really it's only 4 weeks away).
Already know you wanna be a part of this Align & Thrive™ goodness and wanna sign up this weekend?
Reply to this email and you will get THREE bonus 75-mins Private Sessions with me!

Okay, VIP, as always, here's to you!
You are an amazing sensitive being in our world!
You are needed...tuned in, tapped in and turned on.
You deserve to be supported on your human journey.

Wishing you a safe, magical, fun and adventurous Labor Day weekend!

ashley koe

Wholistic Energy Stewardship Coach
Certified Reiki Master Teacher (CRMT)
Founder of Align & Thrive™

What makes VIP's Reiki Program different from others?

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When I was pulled to teach Reiki honestly I never thought that it could or would grow into a loving, intentional and supportive community the way that it has.
I am certainly a very intentional person by nature so I make sure to try my best to cover all the bases, think about how I can continually make things better, more accessible, more fun and easier to learn.
And next thing I know, my guides are calling it the "VIP Reiki Program!"

We start out by offering a Free Intro to Reiki Course that covers the FAQs of Reiki.
Then we offer the Reiki Master Course (which includes: Levels I, II & III/Master). This is conducted either in-person (over a week or weekend, or online).
And since we separate the learning Reiki from learning how to teach it, finally we offer Reiki Master Teacher course. This way you can really focus on how you want to teach Reiki to others.

Let's start with community...
Most Reiki courses, you connect with a teacher and if you're lucky, you connect with your classmates as well, but in VIP's Reiki Program you join our VIP Reiki Community. This is our Facebook Group where we support each other, have weekly reminders and check-ins, sharing of tips and tools for #EverydayReiki, review times and access to TWO Certified Reiki Master Teachers (MateoLuis and myself, who are moderators of the group).
Whether someone took a course from us five years ago or just completed it five hours ago, we are all together in our VIP Reiki Community!
This is definitely one of my favorite offerings to our Reiki students. Gone are the days of not being able to recognize your Reiki teacher.

Lifetime access to the course content...
Yes, that's right. As long as we're around doing this work, you will have access to our VIP Reiki Course work in our Online Course area!
This means you can come back to it again and again whenever you need! AND you will continually get updated information as we update our videos and content!
I mean come on! If they're online, they're self paced and you never see the teacher. Or if they're in-person there isn't an online component.

Opportunities for practicing...
Monthly Healing Exchanges, requests in the group and more! Your practice goes beyond the time of the course and continues to be able to be used and practiced in a safe and supportive environment - people who already know what Reiki is!
This isn't just your wham, bam thank you, Reiki weekend.

Our courses are language specific
Meaning that we separate our courses into Spoken English and American Sign Language (ASL). There is no interpretation provided because we can offer direct communication and learning new concepts is much smoother and clearer when using direct communication.

You get paid!
We rely heavily on word of mouth or hand of sign marketing, meaning when you share about your experience with VIP's Reiki Course, we always want to thank you for that with $25 per person you refer! That's not a credit, that's straight up cash or PayPal goodness for you to spend anywhere your heart desires!
I honestly haven't seen any other Reiki courses offer this.

Beautiful 'wall-worthy' certificates
Just in case you do decide that at some point you want to pursue Reiki in a professional capacity, we've got you covered! It even comes in a certificate folder! No, print it out yourself certificates here. Yours gets mailed to you the old fashioned way, no matter where you are in the world!
Just pick out your favorite frame and it's ready to hang!

Unique Gifts
From the very beginning we have gifted all of our Reiki students with gifts! I have to admit this is one of my absolutely favorite traditions of VIP. There are two gifts that have stayed the same for each student and one that has changed over the years.
And some of our students still share with me years later that they still use their gifts or carry them with them daily! How fun is that?!

Books and class materials are included...
Unless you sign up for a late registration for our Online Reiki Course, which doesn't include books (and is reflected in the tuition price), you always receive books and class materials with your tuition costs!
There are some Reiki courses that don't include class materials or charge separately for them.

TWO Certified Reiki Master Teachers
That's right! Not one, but two of us here for you! You get a taste of our different 'flavors' of teaching, how we do Reiki and more! It's always great to have more than one perspective and more shared experiences, right?
Most other offerings are with only one teacher.

Individualized attention
Our Reiki classes are kept intimate so that we can have a lovely balance of being able to connect with others and still provide the support necessary on your journey. It's a very intimate and expansive process when learning Reiki and it's one that we don't take lightly.
I've seen classes of 30-35 students!

We love giving! And you benefit from that! So whether it's from Q&A's, to tips and tricks or sharing inspiring things, you can bet that we will continually be offering goodies because we just love Reiki!
Another example is now that we are offering our Reiki courses online, we have gifted all of our previous in-person students with access to all of the online courses as well! That was something that we weren't predicting would happen, but it did! Fun, right?!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at support@vipholisticservices.com or leave a comment below and we're happy to answer any questions you may have about our VIP Reiki Program offerings.

Looking forward to your Reiki journey, VIP!

ashley koe
Certified Reiki Master Teacher (CRMT)