10 Days of Reiki - Day 5

Be a Channel; not a filter

As an empath and someone who is able to sense energies it’s become a survival skill for many of us to filter or transmute the energies in the name of ‘helping’ or ‘using our gifts’ or ‘being of service’ or even just because we don’t want to feel the negative or overwhelming energies that we’re picking up on.

So trying to filter or transmute them is a quick way for us to not have to feel that way any more.

But what happens when we don’t stay in our own lane is that we start to feel burned out, exhausted and even resentful because we’re doing all this work! (This work that no one intended for us to be doing!)

It’s actually not our job to filter the energies.

Just because you can, doesn’t mean that you should. 😳

Let energy be energy and let it go thru you.

“Go thru me?! But what if that negative energy attaches itself to my energy!?”

As long as you’ve done the work to ground and fill your energy field, there won’t be any spaces available for those energies to attach themselves to yours. Just let it flow. As in, let it flow THRU you; and remember, it’s not your job to filter it or transmute it.

Also, when we try to filter, transmute or change the energies in any way, we’re usually doing so for our own selfish reasons: discomfort, and imposing our will on the situation.

Think of it as ‘holding space’ in the energy realm.
You’re not here to fix or solve the other person’s problem.
We have to be open to being okay with sitting with the uncomfortable feelings energetically just like what we’ve been learning to do emotionally.

Okay, luv, that was a big one.
How’s it sitting with you?
What emotions are coming up?
Fears? Resistance?
Share in the comments below. 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

In joy, gratitude and Reiki goodness,

ashley koe


More has been revealed!

Private Sessions as have known them for the past 10 years are coming to an end.
I am intentionally curating my life and honoring my energy. Aligning with that means that it is with sadness and complete gratitude that I share with you that Private Sessions as we have known them are officially coming to an end.

I will be focusing all of my efforts on group coaching through Align & Thrive™ and the Self Paced Online Reiki Course. I am not sure if there will be another option on how to work with me coming to fruition, but know that it has truly been an honor to be of service in this capacity to you all. The beautiful souls that I’ve gotten to meet along the way, supporting them on their healing journey, sharing tools, ‘homework’ and various reframes and perspectives have been such an incredible experience. I’ve had the honor of channeling people’s loved ones, their Spirit Guides, messages from ancestors and their Highest Selves.
And the places that I’ve traveled and gotten to do sessions… both in person (from DC to Miami to Hawai’i to Rocky mountains, beaches, conferences, and more) and online with people from all over the world in so many different countries.

I will continue to mentor and coach those who are wanting to be healers (or self healers) through Align & Thrive™ and the Self Paced Online Reiki Course. If you feel called to do this healing work, I encourage you to get on the wait list for Align & Thrive™ (doors open in early 2021), and check out the Self Paced Online Reiki Course (as it’s always open for enrollment).

Since I can’t (and don’t want to) quite cold turkey, it’s not an abrupt ending… for my current community, to help with this transition I will still be honoring all of the Packages and Gift Certificates purchased and Private Sessions and VIP Days booked by Monday, December 21st, 2020 at 11:59pm PST.
Remember that all Packages and Gift Certificates are good for 6 months from the date of purchase. All Private Sessions can be booked up to 90 days in advance and VIP Days can be booked up to 6 months in advance.
Starting 12/22/20 Private Sessions, VIP Days and Gift Certificates and Packages will all be taken down off my website.
Important note: All Sliding Scale rates will continue to be offered thru 12/21/20 at 11:59pm PST.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me in, trusting me with your healing and referring your friends, family and coworkers to me all of these years. It has been such an honor…and quite the adventure.

In joy and deep gratitude,

ashley koe

10 Days of Reiki - Day 4

Energetic Autonomy

Yesterday we talked about not feeling that energy overwhelm as an empathic person. It’s because of the boundaries, developing my intuition and ethics that come with being a Reiki practitioner.
Please note that when I say “Reiki Practitioner” I mean anyone who has taken and been attuned to Reiki, not a professional practicing Reiki practitioner.

Here’s the thing, Reiki taught me what I call Energetic Autonomy.

As empaths it can be a default setting for us to be going around being enmeshed in other people’s energies without even knowing it. I believe that this is actually what people are talking about when they continually say they’re feeling drained.
They don’t know that they are powerful beyond measure when it comes to being a steward of energies.

That actually they can feel energized, empowered and invigorated in life and work as an Empath who deeply cares about our world.

This empath experience isn’t meant to be a negative thing. We’re meant to learn from it. Look at how we can step into our power, set boundaries and truly be of service while doing what’s in our Highest Good (read: not over-giving and over extending ourselves).

In order to ‘stay in my lane’ energetically I needed to learn how to:
- Ground - become present with my self (my own energies, my own emotions, my own thoughts)
- Fill my energy with Divine energy (white light, universal energy, grounding energies from the earth or whatever you like)
- Be a channel, not a filter (we’ll get more into this tomorrow) but the point being, not taking on other people’s energies.

So, there you go, luv!
How does that feel?
Did a part of that resonate with you? If so, which part?

Let me know in the comments below!

In joy, gratitude and reiki goodness,

ashley koe

10 days of Reiki - Day 1

We've got 10 days of celebrating!

There are quite a few ancient traditions that celebrate the light during this dark time of the year (northern hemisphere). Let's see, we've got: 12 days of Christmas, 8 nights of Hanukkah, 7 days of Kwanzaa, 5 days of Diwali and there's even a fun 13 days of solstice thing going around on social.

Since I'm celebrating 10 years since I took my very first Reiki course, I thought I would celebrate with YOU, the phenomenal souls that make this all possible!

Here's what we'll be doing...

Over these next 10 days I'll be: 1) Sharing stories about how Reiki has changed my life and how it could change yours (or maybe it already has 🤷🏻‍♀️)

2) Making important announcements regarding my offerings (services and courses)

3) Celebrating YOU! 💫🎉🎈

We'll start today, 12/12 and wrap up on the solstice 12/21... because how fun are those numbers! 😁

Now, I know you have a lot going on right now and just like me you're probably re-prioritizing and de-cluttering and re-organizing things in order to align with your intentions. Same, {{ subscriber.first_name }}, same. #EclipseSeason #NewYear

I am making this promise to you. I promise to make this content worth your time and energy. So beneficial as if you were paying for it. Because you are - with your time and energy.

Okay, luv, let's get this party started!

2015 headshot light energy hands.jpg

The First gift of Reiki

Self Care

Stay with me! I know, I know...everyone and their dog are talking about self care. 🤮 I get it.

And I ask… have you truly done the work to embody this?
Level I of Reiki focuses all on YOU; how you can connect with and heal yourself. It's completely focused on you. Before you even think about using it for others. I LOVE this foundational concept. I believe in it with being of service to others - especially as an empathic change agent. If our well is going to others we have nothing for ourselves let alone anyone else. How is that healing? Is it sustainable? I mean… how can we be the change if we’re not here?

Changing and healing ourselves changes and heals the world.

It's also what brought ME to Reiki.

Feeling run down, the beginning signs of another cold coming on (sniffles, fatigue, sore throat, etc), and realizing that this was yet another month that it was happening.

I know that some of you only know me as the Reiki person. But let me tell you, 10 years + 1 month ago I had NO IDEA what Reiki even was!

I had never experienced any energy work before.

Just had an upbringing that included more holistic approaches to health: massage, chiropractic care, etc.

But I was open.

I was open to the signs the Universe had been showing me.

Feeling frustrated at my job, got my first professional intuitive reading a month before, and was open to what the Universe had in store since moving forward in that profession continually didn’t feel ‘right.’

So, after lots of research, reading, asking questions and some hesitancy, I signed up for the class.

It continues to remind me that when I take care of myself I am more available for others. I am more present. I can even give more.

And I am truly the change I want to be in the world.
I don’t show up frustrated, stressed out or complaining about how others ‘should’ change.

I show up nourished, loving, joy-full and having fun!
I honor all of me.
I am in tune with my energies (physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually) and I don’t take on other people’s energies around me.
My emotions, my experiences, my dark and my light, my humanness and my soul.
Not only am I whole, but I feel whole.

That is what the type of self care that Reiki has gifted me.

Now to you!
Have you felt this type of self care?
If you’ve taken a Level I Reiki class or had a Reiki session, what gift has Reiki given you?


In the spirit of honoring self care, after 12/21 I will be putting any new sales of Private Sessions on hold.

What this means exactly:

You are welcome to book your session, or buy a package or gift certificate until 12/21. But I won’t be offering any new purchases of Private Sessions after 12/21. The link won’t be on my website.
However, if you purchase (or have purchased) a Gift Certificate, Package or book your session now I will be honoring that.
I want to still provide my current community with support during this time.

Important considerations:

The Sliding Scale rates will continue to be offered until 12/21.
Gift Certificates and Packages are valid for six months from the date of purchase. Sessions can be booked up to 90 days in advance.
Honestly, I’m not sure how long this will ‘hold’ last, or even if it’s going to be the end of Private Sessions as we know it, but I know that I am needing some time and energy to be refocused so I can be in alignment with how I am being asked to be of service.

I absolutely LOVE Private Sessions and getting to work with beautiful souls like yourself. AND I need to honor my energy.
So, as always, since I will never ask you to do something I am not willing to do myself - no matter how hard or uncomfortable, here I am putting my words into practice and honoring my own energy. Things are shifting.

Thank you for continuing to allow me to be a part of your healing journey. I continue to feel honored to be entrusted with assisting in any repair and healing that takes place in private sessions. It’s been a miraculous journey that I never saw coming.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

Here’s to self care!

ashley koe

Cyber Monday + Giving Tuesday Specials - BOGO!

I definitely wasn't feeling the whole Black Friday stuff,

But I woke up this morning and felt a nudge to do a "why the heck not" Cyber Monday / Tuesday giving special.

Because you're my people. and my people love giving. So, EVERYTHING is BOGO! 

Buy One, Get/Give One.

You can donate it to a non-profit (for a client or staff member), gift it to someone you care about, or even use it for your own healing. 

Here are the details:

Self Paced Online Reiki Course
Register like you would regularly and I'll email you directly for the other person's email address and we'll get them registered for free!
All bonuses and regular course fine print still apply (course must be completed within one year of the registration date).

Private sessions
75-mins (new or current clients)
45-mins (current clients only)
(You have until 4/30/20 to use them)

VIP Day - directly 50% off, not BOGO, but similar basic concept. smiles.
One-time payment
Monthly payments
(You have until 6/30/20 to use it)

Also, this applies for Tuesday & Wednesday's PopUp Holiday Group Coaching sessions
Register here: Spoken English (Tuesday, 12/3) or ASL (Weds, 12/4).  ​
A $250 value for just $77!
Because, why not? lol! The more the merrier!

Okay, go hog wild! Get all that you'd like! There's no limit!
So you can even forward this email to your friends, family and colleagues, too! 

You've got until 11:59pm PT on Tues, 12/4/19 to take advantage of these amazing deals!

Here's to the season of giving and receiving,

ashley koe
Energy Intuitive Coach
Certified Reiki Master Teacher (CRMT)
Founder of Align & Thrive™

Dear Luminary,

Dear luminary,

Why do I call you a luminary, VIP?
Because I know you. You are shining the light on the darkness. You are passionate about justice.
Your desire starts with and goes beyond everyone on this planet having their basic needs and rights be met.
It also goes further, desiring all creatures to be loved, honored, embraced and celebrated.

You also have learned that you are willing to have the hard conversations.
You're willing to learn how to have them.
You're willing to do them imperfectly because you know it's the right thing to do.

It's important to connect with your fiery anger within.
It's just as important to harness that and let it fuel your connection with others.

You tend to be the one sparking new concepts in your circles,
igniting new perspectives,
and seeing the light in others.

This is why you are a luminary.

No matter what kind of work you get paid for right now, you continue to show up
For yourself,
For your people,
For our world.

You are moving us forward.
You are elevating our conscious collective.

Yes, these are dark times we're experiencing.
These are the times where we get to honor the moon, stars and planets that are shining in the darkness.
These are the times where we get to hold the candle and feel our way through new pathways.
These are the times where the glow of the embers are keeping us warm.

And this is also why it's vital (think vital signs) for us to come together.
To have our tribe. To lean on our people. To reach out and connect with new folx who become our people.
As we come together our individual candles start to light up the world.

And we must balance as best we can.
So we do not to burn out.
Or start a wildfire.

So yes, YOU are a luminary.

And together we got this. We carry the evolution within our hearts. The fire in our bellies.

Today, of all days, the day after Winter Solstice - the longest night and shortest day of the year - where many cultures for centuries have ushered in the light, welcoming it back to continue blessing the Earth with it's light and warmth.

Shine on, luminary,

ashley koe
Founder of Align & Thrive™

If you are ready to collectively bring our lights together and join others in this illumination of our world, I invite you to check out Align & Thrive™. It IS our time. Our world is transforming in magnificent ways. Your light is needed.

Because I ended up taking Winter Solstice as a day of rest, (whew, that was an intense and incredible 24 hours), Early Bird has been extended to 12/31/17 at 11:59pm. Check out these incredible bonuses and the various options.
Want to learn more about soul alignment and energy but you're not certified in an energy healing modality, Option 1 is for you.
Already certified in an energy healing modality and want to expand your tools and feel more confident in your healing? Option 2 is ready for you.
Ready to step into becoming the professional healer that you know you're meant to be? Option 3 is for you!