Why I struggle identifying as an Empath

Can I be real with you right now?

I've always struggled with identifying as an Empath.

You see, when we're learning that we're empathic beings one of the first bonding experiences is connecting over the hurts and negative aspects of being an Empath.

👉 Overwhelm & confusion
👉 Exhausted & depleted
👉 Anxiety & depression

🙋🏻‍♀️ Wanting to be the change in the world
🙋🏻‍♀️ Continually attracting narcissists
🙋🏻‍♀️ Repeatedly being told, "you're too sensitive"

It's a way to finally be able to identify that's what is going on, which is fantastic.

But the problem is that all too often it is common practice that we end up accepting that as our 'fate' and our 'end all be all'

It's status quo to collect a few tools on how to cope and deal with this place of constant overwhelm.

You see, this didn't sit well with me as a solution-based, 'what's the lesson in this,' all about empowerment type of person.

Then I realized why... It's a form of trauma-bonding.
It keeps us stuck, sick, disempowered and victimized.

Instead we can use that information to move in to a solution of empowerment and learn how to navigate our world with knowing these truths.

Lately we've seen a rise in the collective consciousness with energies:
🌙 Meditation, Yoga, Mindfulness,
🌙 Law of Attraction
🌙 Astrology - more people know about Mercury Retrograde, the Moon cycles and that there's more to your natal chart than your sun sign.

It's a beautiful time!

It's a time of the Empaths, Sensitives and Intuitives rising and aligning with their divine power.

When we are done being bogged down, anxiety-ridden and devastated over the state of our world, and ready for a real change within - because we're aware we can't change the world, then we're ready!

🌟 We're ready to step in to our power.
🌟 We're ready to know how these empathic experiences are here to serve us (and therefore the world).
🌟 We're ready to learn how to navigate our daily life as an empowered empathic being

During my journey as an Empath / Sensitive / Intuitive I've been blessed with teachers and mentors who have showed up and shared with me these truths that resonated with my soul:

🤯 We CAN learn how to separate our energy from other people's and know what's ours and what isn't,
🤯 We CAN discover why we're continually getting thrown off kilter and how to stay centered, and
🤯 We CAN be energized and no longer be drained or overwhelmed!

Do you resonate with this?? Does your soul desire this, also?

The past 10 years I've been on a mission to support the Empaths / Sensitives / Invuitives of the world who are at this tipping point and are READY.

And let me tell you... it's been AMAZING!!!
It's not for everyone and I honor that.
But when it is, woweeee do I LOVE getting to do this work and see people experience the liberation and transformation!

If this resonates with you, the doors to my program, Align & Thrive™ are now open.
And let me tell you, this group is like no other.

Here's to empowerment for the Empaths!
Here's to aligning with our soul and thriving!
And most of all, here's to you!

ashley koe

Why I struggle identifying as an Empath.jpg

10 Days of Reiki - Day 4

Energetic Autonomy

Yesterday we talked about not feeling that energy overwhelm as an empathic person. It’s because of the boundaries, developing my intuition and ethics that come with being a Reiki practitioner.
Please note that when I say “Reiki Practitioner” I mean anyone who has taken and been attuned to Reiki, not a professional practicing Reiki practitioner.

Here’s the thing, Reiki taught me what I call Energetic Autonomy.

As empaths it can be a default setting for us to be going around being enmeshed in other people’s energies without even knowing it. I believe that this is actually what people are talking about when they continually say they’re feeling drained.
They don’t know that they are powerful beyond measure when it comes to being a steward of energies.

That actually they can feel energized, empowered and invigorated in life and work as an Empath who deeply cares about our world.

This empath experience isn’t meant to be a negative thing. We’re meant to learn from it. Look at how we can step into our power, set boundaries and truly be of service while doing what’s in our Highest Good (read: not over-giving and over extending ourselves).

In order to ‘stay in my lane’ energetically I needed to learn how to:
- Ground - become present with my self (my own energies, my own emotions, my own thoughts)
- Fill my energy with Divine energy (white light, universal energy, grounding energies from the earth or whatever you like)
- Be a channel, not a filter (we’ll get more into this tomorrow) but the point being, not taking on other people’s energies.

So, there you go, luv!
How does that feel?
Did a part of that resonate with you? If so, which part?

Let me know in the comments below!

In joy, gratitude and reiki goodness,

ashley koe

10 days of Reiki - Day 3


This one goes in a couple of different directions: 
feeling empowered on a spiritual level - as a spiritual being having a human experience, and 
on a human level - feeling empowered as an empathic change agent who can sense energies. 

Reiki has brought me this level of feeling empowered that I’ve never felt before. 

Of course it has continued to evolve over the years. 
But when I first started out I wanted to change the world. 
Now I know that what I can only change is myself and do what I am guided to do. 

Not only do I know this but I live my life according to this. 
I no longer feel powerless in tragic situations. 
Which in turn ends my desire to want to ‘help’ and fix. 

I now get to approach each person I work with as a soul that is powerful beyond measure. 

Secondly, I feel empowered when it comes to energies!

No longer feeling overwhelmed. 

Able to know if it’s mine or theirs. Or if there is something else contributing to it - hello solar eclipse today! 😁

These are HUGE as someone who is able to sense energies. After all, everything is energy.

To finally turn that ability into a superpower. And the cool part is - anyone can do it! It’s not for the special few. 

I believe we are all able to develop that ability for our benefit, empowerment and healing. We’re not meant to be hindered, overwhelmed or bogged down by it. 

I’ve learned to honor my own energy, trust the energetic impressions that I get, decipher mine from others, and make all decisions confidently by trusting my intuition. 

Tell me, luv, how would your life change if you were able to confidently trust your intuition? 

How would things be different if you could no longer be overwhelmed by energies? Either other people’s or the world’s energies. 

Let me know in the comments below 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

In joy, gratitude and love,

ashley koe

A soul-aligned life is scary, you're right

Dear ego,

You're absolutely right. Living a soul-aligned life is scary AF!

It's not something that you signed up for.

You (your ego) reminder, the giver of safety.
The keeper of stability.
The master of logistics.

This 'soul' thing... it's not your thing.
It's not your style, your cup of tea or how you move through the world.

And that's okay. It's not a bad thing.
It's just not in your wheelhouse.
It's not what you were created to do.
It's not based on your strengths.

So, dear ego, we'll stop asking you.
That's right. We'll stop the insanity of expecting you to do something different.

We'll only come to you for your strengths.
We'll ask to you take care of logistics.

As for the soul aligned stuff...
We'll connect with intuition.
The one whose strength is accessing the soul, speaking the soul's language and guiding us on this journey.

In fact, we'll even go one step further.
We'll intentionally connect with you both based on your strengths.

We will feel the fear and acknowledge it.
Knowing that you're warning us that it's new, different and doesn't make logical sense.
And since we have such a long-term relationship, we'll take that as an indication that this isn't computing for you.
Since we promised to stop the insanity.
And in this situation the insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
We'll turn to intuition and connect with her.

As we know this IS her strength.
This IS in her wheelhouse.

She'll remind us that you are indicating that it actually IS in alignment with our soul.
No matter what the logistics, common sense and emotions may bring up.
We will no longer let them hold us back.

We will move forward.
Most likely with trepidation.
But we will do it.
One step at a time.

Because staying small, living with fear, self-doubt and dimming our light isn't serving this world.
And your soul knows it. And is ready to choose different.

So thank you, dear ego.
Thank you for helping us get to places on time.
Thank you for telling us which gas to put in the car.
Thank you for addressing the logistics of life.
And thank you for being an indicator of when to connect with intuition.


ashley koe
Founder of Align & Thrive™

PS. If you are ready to befriend ego, deepen your intuition, drastically decrease your self doubt and start living a life aligned with your soul, I invite you to check out Align & Thrive™, our signature program.
Doors are now open for enrollment for 2018! They only open once a year, so head on over there and read about it.

A Letter from my soul to yours

You are meant to shine.
No 'if's,' 'and's' or 'but's.'

You chose to have this Superpower of sensitivity.

Yes, you, your soul, chose this.

This 'gift' that seems more like a burden more often than not.

Why? You wanted to change the world.

Eh, that's so cliche...

You wanted to BE the change in this world.
You wanted to connect with other old souls.
Those who are also sensitive.

Sensitive to hurt, pain and suffering.


So you can BE the light. To shine light on the darkness.
So you can be a beacon of light for younger souls who are newer to this human journey.

So you can bring healing to those who need it.

You wanted to be a part of a light revolution.

But, in order to do this there are going to be things asked of you that make you feel so uncomfortable.

SO uncomfortable.

Things you're going to feel so much resistance to.
Lean into them. Reach out. Do them anyway.
Because, dear soul, THIS is how you wanted to grow.

And - yes, you CAN do this.

You were divinely designed to do this.
I am with you, shoulder to shoulder, soul to soul.
You are divinely loved.
You are supported by all the Sacred.

Yours truly, fellow revolutionary light soul,

ashley koe
Energy Intuitive, Alignment Coach,
Certified Reiki Master Teacher (CRMT), and
Founder of Align & Thrive™

PS. If you'd like to join the revolution of sensitives and lightworkers on a path of aligning with their soul's intentions, I invite you to check out our Energy Alignment Mentoring Program, Align & Thrive™.
This is my soul's work - to mentor fellow sensitives how to co-create an energetically nourishing life aligning with their soul.