I'm sorry I withheld this from you + Flash Sale

Truth be told, with everything going on this year, honestly, I haven't really been laser focused on how clearly things are communicated with my services. 

sweet peas.png

It's been a year of re-structuring, re-organizing and re-prioritizing.
All of which entail allowing things to crumble, be dismantled, go by the waist side.

As you might have seen, I've been offering all Private Sessions, Healing Exchanges and Reiki Shares at sliding scale rates. I even added a new lower payment option for the Self Paced Online Reiki Course

But what I failed to share with you is that Packages for Private Sessions and VIP Days also have sliding scale options. 

Why is this important?

Because one-time sessions are great, but when you're going through something it's super important to make a commitment to yourself to know that you've always have support readily available and accessible.

Packages allow you to commit to yourself, your transformation and your healing.

VIP Days allow you to have an entire day of being held in sacred healing space. 

So, to make it right... because I forgot to share this with you the past few months, for the next two days, until 11:59pm PT, Tuesday, Aug 18th (hello New Moon), I am offering Packages and VIP days for BOGO!! 

Buy One, Get One completely FREE! 

Uh, yeah, you absolutely read that right!
Not only are they being offered at Sliding Scale rates, but they're also BOGO at the Sliding Scale rates!


Check it out
Packages can be shared with others: gifted or donated. Individual sessions or whole packages.

VIP Days - use one now, and then again in 6 months. Go in halvsies with a friend.​ Donate one or gift one. Whatever you want. There are a bunch of options!

I know we're still in summer, but Fall and the holiday season is coming up on us really quickly. Like really quickly!
And because of that, for this special offer, I'm going to extend all packages and VIP Days to be used within a year of purchase! (Usually they have to be used within 6 months)


  •  New Client Success Package 1- 90-mins New Client session & 2- 60-mins sessions becomes 2- 90-mins New Client sessions & 4- 60-mins sessions!

  • Current Client 6- 90-mins sessions now becomes 12- 90-mins sessions 

  • Current Client 6- 60-mins sessions now becomes 12- 60-mins sessions

Each one follows the options of Sliding Scale - Option 1, 2 or 3
So you'll see the format (SS - Option 1) for the various rates.

VIP Days: 

  • Also available in Sliding Scale Options

  • AND Payment plans are also available for each Sliding Scale Option! 

How BOGO works:
Just make your purchase by 11:59pm PT, Tuesday, August 18th, 2020 and I'll send you an email confirming where to send your second code for your BOGO package/VIP day. (just in case you’re sharing it with a friend, donating it, etc). Easy peesy, lemon squeezey.

Dude, do me (and the world) a favor and forward this to everyone you know who is wanting some healing and support in 2020. There is no limit! 
To be honest, there's more of 2020 'goodness' coming down the pike and I'd love for everyone to get as much as they can from this opportunity! 

Here's to all the healing,

ashley koe

Energy Intuitive + Coach
Certified Reiki Master Teacher (CRMT)
Founder of Align & Thrive™

PS. Remember, Sliding Scale rates are being offered due to current financial hardships. Choose what you're able to pay and what feels in alignment for your financial health. This will also ensure that you receive all the benefits of your session(s) without guilt. Only you know what that aligned rate is for you in this moment.
Thank you for honoring this and being a loving supportive member of this community and small business. I am so grateful for the work that I get to do in our world. 

Cyber Monday + Giving Tuesday Specials - BOGO!

I definitely wasn't feeling the whole Black Friday stuff,

But I woke up this morning and felt a nudge to do a "why the heck not" Cyber Monday / Tuesday giving special.

Because you're my people. and my people love giving. So, EVERYTHING is BOGO! 

Buy One, Get/Give One.

You can donate it to a non-profit (for a client or staff member), gift it to someone you care about, or even use it for your own healing. 

Here are the details:

Self Paced Online Reiki Course
Register like you would regularly and I'll email you directly for the other person's email address and we'll get them registered for free!
All bonuses and regular course fine print still apply (course must be completed within one year of the registration date).

Private sessions
75-mins (new or current clients)
45-mins (current clients only)
(You have until 4/30/20 to use them)

VIP Day - directly 50% off, not BOGO, but similar basic concept. smiles.
One-time payment
Monthly payments
(You have until 6/30/20 to use it)

Also, this applies for Tuesday & Wednesday's PopUp Holiday Group Coaching sessions
Register here: Spoken English (Tuesday, 12/3) or ASL (Weds, 12/4).  ​
A $250 value for just $77!
Because, why not? lol! The more the merrier!

Okay, go hog wild! Get all that you'd like! There's no limit!
So you can even forward this email to your friends, family and colleagues, too! 

You've got until 11:59pm PT on Tues, 12/4/19 to take advantage of these amazing deals!

Here's to the season of giving and receiving,

ashley koe
Energy Intuitive Coach
Certified Reiki Master Teacher (CRMT)
Founder of Align & Thrive™

Dear Luminary,

Dear luminary,

Why do I call you a luminary, VIP?
Because I know you. You are shining the light on the darkness. You are passionate about justice.
Your desire starts with and goes beyond everyone on this planet having their basic needs and rights be met.
It also goes further, desiring all creatures to be loved, honored, embraced and celebrated.

You also have learned that you are willing to have the hard conversations.
You're willing to learn how to have them.
You're willing to do them imperfectly because you know it's the right thing to do.

It's important to connect with your fiery anger within.
It's just as important to harness that and let it fuel your connection with others.

You tend to be the one sparking new concepts in your circles,
igniting new perspectives,
and seeing the light in others.

This is why you are a luminary.

No matter what kind of work you get paid for right now, you continue to show up
For yourself,
For your people,
For our world.

You are moving us forward.
You are elevating our conscious collective.

Yes, these are dark times we're experiencing.
These are the times where we get to honor the moon, stars and planets that are shining in the darkness.
These are the times where we get to hold the candle and feel our way through new pathways.
These are the times where the glow of the embers are keeping us warm.

And this is also why it's vital (think vital signs) for us to come together.
To have our tribe. To lean on our people. To reach out and connect with new folx who become our people.
As we come together our individual candles start to light up the world.

And we must balance as best we can.
So we do not to burn out.
Or start a wildfire.

So yes, YOU are a luminary.

And together we got this. We carry the evolution within our hearts. The fire in our bellies.

Today, of all days, the day after Winter Solstice - the longest night and shortest day of the year - where many cultures for centuries have ushered in the light, welcoming it back to continue blessing the Earth with it's light and warmth.

Shine on, luminary,

ashley koe
Founder of Align & Thrive™

If you are ready to collectively bring our lights together and join others in this illumination of our world, I invite you to check out Align & Thrive™. It IS our time. Our world is transforming in magnificent ways. Your light is needed.

Because I ended up taking Winter Solstice as a day of rest, (whew, that was an intense and incredible 24 hours), Early Bird has been extended to 12/31/17 at 11:59pm. Check out these incredible bonuses and the various options.
Want to learn more about soul alignment and energy but you're not certified in an energy healing modality, Option 1 is for you.
Already certified in an energy healing modality and want to expand your tools and feel more confident in your healing? Option 2 is ready for you.
Ready to step into becoming the professional healer that you know you're meant to be? Option 3 is for you!

10 tips for Empaths Getting through the holidays centered and aligned with your soul

The holidays can be such a magical time. The twinkling lights, the joy of the season and the feeling of connection that we feel with our fellow humans.
There’s not much else like it the rest of the year.

For Empaths it can also be a very draining time.
A time when as givers we can over give and deplete ourselves - leaving us sick, feeling disconnected and discombobulated.
A time when we as sensitive Beings, sense things that are going on, that may not be showing on the surface.
A time when being around so many other people can feel exhausting rather than joyful.

So here are some tips from a fellow Empath to help get through the holidays not only surviving them but you might even find yourself thriving when applied.

1) Energy Level check. Do you truly have the energy to go to that party?  Do you have the resources (which are also energy) to give gifts to others? 

Many times as Empaths we will push ourselves beyond our capacity (energetically, financially, physically, emotionally, mentally, humanly, etc). We do this because we care, because we anticipate feelings disappointment and guilt, because we do. 

Checking in with energy levels first helps us collect more facts rather than base things off feelings or expectations.

So getting real with ourselves is important. Remember, the universe/Spirit/Source/the Divine/Goddess/god doesn’t want us to be depleted and sacrifice ourselves for others. 

There is plenty to go around, so how can you give that IS within your ability and resources? 

Just remember, the Universe is very creative. When we can tap into that, along with the newly accepted energy level, answers will come.


2) Really check in with your intentions. As Empaths we can also walk a fine line with Codependency. By that I mean we would rather sacrifice ourselves than feel another person’s negative emotions (disappointment, sadness, etc). And we end up doing something out of alignment rather than what’s in our highest good. Which by the way, is also in the highest good of all. 

This can happen especially during the holidays when there is more societal pressure for life to be a certain way and we tend to want to show up and portray that. 

So, asking yourself the hard truth questions:
- Why am I going/giving? 
     • Is it out of obligation? Tradition? 
     • Not wanting to feel left out?
- Am I trying to keep up appearances?
- What is the real reason I am doing this? 

It’s not always pretty or easy to be honest with ourselves but it is a basis of being a trustworthy person. Not only to others, but also to yourself and your Soul.

3) Energy field Check In. Does this event feel like fun when you check in energetically? What do I mean by this? Close your eyes, take a deep breath, put all logistics aside and visualize yourself at the event/gathering/party. Does your energy become excited and expand? Or does it feel more constricted? 

Trust the first sense you get. Even if you don’t like it. Especially if you don’t like it or it doesn’t make sense. 

Energy is one way your soul uses to communicate with you. Taking the time (just a few minutes) to start building that relationship and check in makes it easier and quicker over time.


4) Intuition Invitation.  Does your intuition give you the ‘green light’? Even though you may have the energy and something feels like fun, doesn’t mean that your intuition is guiding you there.

A couple of quick tips with Intuition:
- It’s subtle and neutral (doesn’t yell or scream),
- You have to quiet your mind in order to connect with it,
- It doesn’t make sense (logic is the ego’s responsibility). 

((More on how to build a relationship with your intuition here))

5) Follow that. Then after receiving all of this information is to follow what has been shown.
Most likely there will be some resistance when it comes to this part.
Feel your feelings and still do it anyways.
This can sometimes be the most challenging step when starting on this journey. Especially if it’s something you really want to do, but your energy is feeling contracted. Or your intuition is sharing that something is off. 

I get it. It’s new and different. And this can bring up feelings of sadness and frustration. 

Which just means that your ego is having a hay day. It’s going to reiterate all the fears, perceptions and guilt and obligation. 

Choosing your soul over what your ego is sharing with you is challenging when you first start practicing this. But remember, your soul knows what’s in your highest good. Your soul is always watching out for you and leading the way. And life goes so much more smoothly when you choose to live in alignment with your soul. 

Drastically less amount of ‘course corrections’ - which can show up as challenges, feeling blocked and even chaos.

6) Recharging. How do you recharge your energy? How do you feel re-energized? Some recharge with alone time (introvert) and some recharge by being around others (extrovert). And yes, this is a continuum. It’s not one or the other. Some people can be mostly introverts and then feel recharged being around others in certain scenarios. 

But knowing this part of yourself will help you know what you need energetically.
The important things are:
- to know how you feel recharged,
- then make appointments with yourself to recharge, and
- keep the appointments! 

Then you can fully and wholly show up. All of you. In every way. And your presence is what others crave during this holiday season.
You will be able to give your excess and not your reserves.

7) Whose Energy is it? As an Empath it’s important to know whether you are feeling your own energy and feelings or someone else’s.
So, take a quick moment to ask yourself, “Is this mine or someone else’s?”
If it’s yours, then go on with, “What do I need?” Then do it.
If it’s someone else’s, then kindly notice it, release it back to the Universe and fill in your own energy field with your energy.
A quick visualization can be sufficient for this.
No need to over complicate it.

If you’d like my top 3 tips on quick energy, head over to this Free webinar.

8) Take a moment to lean into this moment. Yes, this is the cliche of ‘this moment is a gift that’s why we call it the present.’
Really challenge yourself to lean into that. Many times we know it (cerebrally or intellectually) but we don’t actually apply and practice it.
Many Empaths spend their time replaying the past or trying to anticipate future events that haven’t even happened.
So, yes, when things are happening and you are living your life, take a moment to FEEL the joy.
IN YOUR BODY (not in your head).
Allow the gratitude to spread throughout your physical Being.
Receive. Say thank you without feeling guilty or self deprecating.
You have full permission to allow your energy to expand with ease.

9) Receive. Yes, this is the season of giving. AND receiving.

As Empaths some common feelings are feeling like a burden to others, unworthiness or that others’ needs far surpass our own.
So we try to bypass receiving. We block off ways to receive. We even will downplay receiving. 

One quick check in is -> how do you respond when someone compliments you?
Do you instantly deflect it? Downplay it? Reject it?
Do you feel uncomfortable?
Easily shift this by taking a deep breath in (receiving) and then exhale with, “thank you.”

When we receive we continue to be in the flow of being able to give. We’re back to the whole, ‘you can’t give from an empty cup’ thing. Remember, if we are not receiving then we are not able to give.
Allow the Law of Circulation to flow. Receive. Give. Repeat.

The other part of receiving is when you give to someone else, you feel huge amounts of joy, right? Well, the other person who is giving to you also feels that. When you deflect, deny or downplay a gift then you impact that joy. Maybe consider your receiving a gift for their giving. 

This is one of the biggest dis-eases that I find among Empaths. Receiving is a lifelong lesson layered with intricate causes. But the good news is that it can be addressed and healed.
You can read more about it, here.

10) Find a way to feel helpful with the suffering. 

Many times Empaths think of all the suffering in the world during this season instead of leaning into the joy.
Take a moment to consider that sympathy and feeling sorry for others isn’t helpful to raise their energies. 

Instead, ask yourself, “What CAN YOU DO to uplift and hold them in the light?”

This season is about allowing the light to shine in the darkness. Many ancient traditions and various cultures all over the world still practice this today. 

Some ideas:
- set up an altar for those you’d like to offer energies to,
- ask permission to pray for them,
- offer them Reiki, good juju or positive thoughts,
- make sure you always have something helpful with you when you come across someone in need,
- donate randomly to various websites (can be Non-Profit Organizations or GoFundMe or CaringBridge),
- you can read more about being a depleted change agent, here.

The point of all of this is there are MANY MANY tools out there for Empaths and how to live an empowered life, especially during the holidays, when the world is in chaos and when life is shifting at high speeds. 

We do not have to be weighed down by the hurts of the world. Or take on other people’s energies or feelings in order to help relieve the suffering. 

In fact this actually dis-empowers others and hinders the growth of the collective. When Empaths feel more empowered and able to become catalysts and stewards of energies, that’s when the world transforms to new levels and healing spreads at rapid rates.

Wishing you a soul aligned and thriving holiday season and life,

ashley koe
Wholistic Energy Stewardship Coach

Certified Reiki Master Teacher (CRMT),
Founder of Align & Thrive™

PS. If you’d like to find out more about how to align with your soul and thrive with ease, check out http://alignandthrive.com.  

Receiving: The epitome of healing

Receiving is one of the most common things I share about as an energy healer; with clients and students alike.
Got pain in your upper or lower back, hunched posture or you've got a strong exhale (even with a short inhale), your energy is sharing that you've got issues receiving.
Having issues with your left side, or do you default to deflecting when people give you compliments... those are issues with receiving as well.
There are many reasons or causes that go into issues for receiving.
One of the most common ones that I see is, 'receiving growing up wasn't a good thing.' Either what we received from those who were supposed to care for us and meet our needs wasn't a good thing or it was downright traumatic.
The second one is self worth - not feeling worthy of receiving.

So, there are the basics of receiving (Receiving 101, if you will):
   - Be open to it.
   - Know that you are worthy of it.
   - When someone compliments you, reply with a simple, "Thank you."
   - When someone offers to help you out, take a deep breath and accept their help.
   - Tell yourself that it's safe to receive now. You are not that little kid anymore.

For those of us who experience discrimination (systemic, subtle, blatant outward, microaggressions, and anything in between), it is even more vital that we focus on receiving the positive healing energies from those who love and support us rather than allow the hurts of the oppressors and those using perpetrating behaviors continue to linger and harm us. Where attention goes, energy flows.

It's time to take our receiving to the next level, Receiving 201:
   - Let the awful things of others go through you. Don't take it on, don't try to process it in your being, just let it go through your energy. If it wasn't kind or healing, it wasn't meant for you to hold on to.
   - Focus your time and energy only on those who love and support you. Really challenge yourself to FEEL their love and support. Others who don't are NOT worth your time or energy. Literally, they are not worthy of it. Think about that - take that in for a moment. Consciously re-prioritizing and reprogramming this within you can be a monumental shift.
   - Ask for help. Seems so simple, yet is one of the most daunting things. Know that Spirit/Universe, etc is supporting you on this!
   - Be intentional about the amount of exposure you have to receiving information around things that can be harmful to you (this can mean a job change to living in a different country to consciously choosing to go off social media).

I bet that you have more people who support and love you in your life than don't. But the problem is that it doesn't FEEL that way. This is our ego, the pain body, the contrary, the hurt trying to keep us down. And we can't let it. We need to acknowledge it for what it is and release it. This is absolutely vital to our health on every level; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual! 

Turn off the power switch to the those using harmful behaviors. Leave them in the dark.
Turn on the switch to light up the luminaries, those who radiate love. Let them fuel you. 
This is where you get to own your power. You get to choose where your energy will flow. You get to choose which energy you want to receive.

As always, I fully support people to fully feel their emotions, have their process and work through their hurts, as I believe this is important to the healing process.

Did this post help you? Did something shift for you? Please share in the comments below.