10 Days of Reiki - Day 7



As a deeply caring person who is able to sense energies it has always been a struggle to know boundaries. Even though I would always want to do good, doing the work of identifying that my intentions might not be…. not in ill-intentioned ways, but more from places of empathic/energy overwhelm and trying to lessen the suffering of others.
And in social justice work we know that our intentions may not always align with our impact.

So, here’s what Reiki has taught me with intention:

1) Always set the intention for whatever is in the Highest Good
This gets my ego and my will out of the way and allows me to be open to what is actually coming through. Which to be honest, is usually super magical.
I continue to set this intention with all of my work: private sessions, group coaching and even in the business aspect. It’s also become and embodied practice for me in approaching life.

2) Ethics as an empath are vital
Reiki emphasizes that we must have consent from the recipient. This again gets us clear on our intentions that we’re not imposing our will or what we think that person needs.
If we are trying to rescue, then we could be creating karmic chaos and could be contributing to karmic debt - which means that on some level that person won’t feel like they can accept the healing energy.
Being in a position to channel healing energy is a powerful one that comes with great responsibility.

After all, energy is powerful, yet subtle; and everything is energy. Which we’ll get into more tomorrow. 🙂

Okay, luv, how did that one sit with you?
I’ve noticed over the years that this can be a little bit more challenging on to address.
Let me know in the comments below. Or send me an email. I’d love to read from you.

In joy, gratitude and Reiki goodness,

ashley koe

10 days of Reiki - Day 3


This one goes in a couple of different directions: 
feeling empowered on a spiritual level - as a spiritual being having a human experience, and 
on a human level - feeling empowered as an empathic change agent who can sense energies. 

Reiki has brought me this level of feeling empowered that I’ve never felt before. 

Of course it has continued to evolve over the years. 
But when I first started out I wanted to change the world. 
Now I know that what I can only change is myself and do what I am guided to do. 

Not only do I know this but I live my life according to this. 
I no longer feel powerless in tragic situations. 
Which in turn ends my desire to want to ‘help’ and fix. 

I now get to approach each person I work with as a soul that is powerful beyond measure. 

Secondly, I feel empowered when it comes to energies!

No longer feeling overwhelmed. 

Able to know if it’s mine or theirs. Or if there is something else contributing to it - hello solar eclipse today! 😁

These are HUGE as someone who is able to sense energies. After all, everything is energy.

To finally turn that ability into a superpower. And the cool part is - anyone can do it! It’s not for the special few. 

I believe we are all able to develop that ability for our benefit, empowerment and healing. We’re not meant to be hindered, overwhelmed or bogged down by it. 

I’ve learned to honor my own energy, trust the energetic impressions that I get, decipher mine from others, and make all decisions confidently by trusting my intuition. 

Tell me, luv, how would your life change if you were able to confidently trust your intuition? 

How would things be different if you could no longer be overwhelmed by energies? Either other people’s or the world’s energies. 

Let me know in the comments below 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

In joy, gratitude and love,

ashley koe

10 days of Reiki - Day 1

We've got 10 days of celebrating!

There are quite a few ancient traditions that celebrate the light during this dark time of the year (northern hemisphere). Let's see, we've got: 12 days of Christmas, 8 nights of Hanukkah, 7 days of Kwanzaa, 5 days of Diwali and there's even a fun 13 days of solstice thing going around on social.

Since I'm celebrating 10 years since I took my very first Reiki course, I thought I would celebrate with YOU, the phenomenal souls that make this all possible!

Here's what we'll be doing...

Over these next 10 days I'll be: 1) Sharing stories about how Reiki has changed my life and how it could change yours (or maybe it already has 🤷🏻‍♀️)

2) Making important announcements regarding my offerings (services and courses)

3) Celebrating YOU! 💫🎉🎈

We'll start today, 12/12 and wrap up on the solstice 12/21... because how fun are those numbers! 😁

Now, I know you have a lot going on right now and just like me you're probably re-prioritizing and de-cluttering and re-organizing things in order to align with your intentions. Same, {{ subscriber.first_name }}, same. #EclipseSeason #NewYear

I am making this promise to you. I promise to make this content worth your time and energy. So beneficial as if you were paying for it. Because you are - with your time and energy.

Okay, luv, let's get this party started!

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The First gift of Reiki

Self Care

Stay with me! I know, I know...everyone and their dog are talking about self care. 🤮 I get it.

And I ask… have you truly done the work to embody this?
Level I of Reiki focuses all on YOU; how you can connect with and heal yourself. It's completely focused on you. Before you even think about using it for others. I LOVE this foundational concept. I believe in it with being of service to others - especially as an empathic change agent. If our well is going to others we have nothing for ourselves let alone anyone else. How is that healing? Is it sustainable? I mean… how can we be the change if we’re not here?

Changing and healing ourselves changes and heals the world.

It's also what brought ME to Reiki.

Feeling run down, the beginning signs of another cold coming on (sniffles, fatigue, sore throat, etc), and realizing that this was yet another month that it was happening.

I know that some of you only know me as the Reiki person. But let me tell you, 10 years + 1 month ago I had NO IDEA what Reiki even was!

I had never experienced any energy work before.

Just had an upbringing that included more holistic approaches to health: massage, chiropractic care, etc.

But I was open.

I was open to the signs the Universe had been showing me.

Feeling frustrated at my job, got my first professional intuitive reading a month before, and was open to what the Universe had in store since moving forward in that profession continually didn’t feel ‘right.’

So, after lots of research, reading, asking questions and some hesitancy, I signed up for the class.

It continues to remind me that when I take care of myself I am more available for others. I am more present. I can even give more.

And I am truly the change I want to be in the world.
I don’t show up frustrated, stressed out or complaining about how others ‘should’ change.

I show up nourished, loving, joy-full and having fun!
I honor all of me.
I am in tune with my energies (physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually) and I don’t take on other people’s energies around me.
My emotions, my experiences, my dark and my light, my humanness and my soul.
Not only am I whole, but I feel whole.

That is what the type of self care that Reiki has gifted me.

Now to you!
Have you felt this type of self care?
If you’ve taken a Level I Reiki class or had a Reiki session, what gift has Reiki given you?


In the spirit of honoring self care, after 12/21 I will be putting any new sales of Private Sessions on hold.

What this means exactly:

You are welcome to book your session, or buy a package or gift certificate until 12/21. But I won’t be offering any new purchases of Private Sessions after 12/21. The link won’t be on my website.
However, if you purchase (or have purchased) a Gift Certificate, Package or book your session now I will be honoring that.
I want to still provide my current community with support during this time.

Important considerations:

The Sliding Scale rates will continue to be offered until 12/21.
Gift Certificates and Packages are valid for six months from the date of purchase. Sessions can be booked up to 90 days in advance.
Honestly, I’m not sure how long this will ‘hold’ last, or even if it’s going to be the end of Private Sessions as we know it, but I know that I am needing some time and energy to be refocused so I can be in alignment with how I am being asked to be of service.

I absolutely LOVE Private Sessions and getting to work with beautiful souls like yourself. AND I need to honor my energy.
So, as always, since I will never ask you to do something I am not willing to do myself - no matter how hard or uncomfortable, here I am putting my words into practice and honoring my own energy. Things are shifting.

Thank you for continuing to allow me to be a part of your healing journey. I continue to feel honored to be entrusted with assisting in any repair and healing that takes place in private sessions. It’s been a miraculous journey that I never saw coming.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

Here’s to self care!

ashley koe

I'm sorry I withheld this from you + Flash Sale

Truth be told, with everything going on this year, honestly, I haven't really been laser focused on how clearly things are communicated with my services. 

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It's been a year of re-structuring, re-organizing and re-prioritizing.
All of which entail allowing things to crumble, be dismantled, go by the waist side.

As you might have seen, I've been offering all Private Sessions, Healing Exchanges and Reiki Shares at sliding scale rates. I even added a new lower payment option for the Self Paced Online Reiki Course

But what I failed to share with you is that Packages for Private Sessions and VIP Days also have sliding scale options. 

Why is this important?

Because one-time sessions are great, but when you're going through something it's super important to make a commitment to yourself to know that you've always have support readily available and accessible.

Packages allow you to commit to yourself, your transformation and your healing.

VIP Days allow you to have an entire day of being held in sacred healing space. 

So, to make it right... because I forgot to share this with you the past few months, for the next two days, until 11:59pm PT, Tuesday, Aug 18th (hello New Moon), I am offering Packages and VIP days for BOGO!! 

Buy One, Get One completely FREE! 

Uh, yeah, you absolutely read that right!
Not only are they being offered at Sliding Scale rates, but they're also BOGO at the Sliding Scale rates!


Check it out
Packages can be shared with others: gifted or donated. Individual sessions or whole packages.

VIP Days - use one now, and then again in 6 months. Go in halvsies with a friend.​ Donate one or gift one. Whatever you want. There are a bunch of options!

I know we're still in summer, but Fall and the holiday season is coming up on us really quickly. Like really quickly!
And because of that, for this special offer, I'm going to extend all packages and VIP Days to be used within a year of purchase! (Usually they have to be used within 6 months)


  •  New Client Success Package 1- 90-mins New Client session & 2- 60-mins sessions becomes 2- 90-mins New Client sessions & 4- 60-mins sessions!

  • Current Client 6- 90-mins sessions now becomes 12- 90-mins sessions 

  • Current Client 6- 60-mins sessions now becomes 12- 60-mins sessions

Each one follows the options of Sliding Scale - Option 1, 2 or 3
So you'll see the format (SS - Option 1) for the various rates.

VIP Days: 

  • Also available in Sliding Scale Options

  • AND Payment plans are also available for each Sliding Scale Option! 

How BOGO works:
Just make your purchase by 11:59pm PT, Tuesday, August 18th, 2020 and I'll send you an email confirming where to send your second code for your BOGO package/VIP day. (just in case you’re sharing it with a friend, donating it, etc). Easy peesy, lemon squeezey.

Dude, do me (and the world) a favor and forward this to everyone you know who is wanting some healing and support in 2020. There is no limit! 
To be honest, there's more of 2020 'goodness' coming down the pike and I'd love for everyone to get as much as they can from this opportunity! 

Here's to all the healing,

ashley koe

Energy Intuitive + Coach
Certified Reiki Master Teacher (CRMT)
Founder of Align & Thrive™

PS. Remember, Sliding Scale rates are being offered due to current financial hardships. Choose what you're able to pay and what feels in alignment for your financial health. This will also ensure that you receive all the benefits of your session(s) without guilt. Only you know what that aligned rate is for you in this moment.
Thank you for honoring this and being a loving supportive member of this community and small business. I am so grateful for the work that I get to do in our world. 

Dear Luminary,

Dear luminary,

Why do I call you a luminary, VIP?
Because I know you. You are shining the light on the darkness. You are passionate about justice.
Your desire starts with and goes beyond everyone on this planet having their basic needs and rights be met.
It also goes further, desiring all creatures to be loved, honored, embraced and celebrated.

You also have learned that you are willing to have the hard conversations.
You're willing to learn how to have them.
You're willing to do them imperfectly because you know it's the right thing to do.

It's important to connect with your fiery anger within.
It's just as important to harness that and let it fuel your connection with others.

You tend to be the one sparking new concepts in your circles,
igniting new perspectives,
and seeing the light in others.

This is why you are a luminary.

No matter what kind of work you get paid for right now, you continue to show up
For yourself,
For your people,
For our world.

You are moving us forward.
You are elevating our conscious collective.

Yes, these are dark times we're experiencing.
These are the times where we get to honor the moon, stars and planets that are shining in the darkness.
These are the times where we get to hold the candle and feel our way through new pathways.
These are the times where the glow of the embers are keeping us warm.

And this is also why it's vital (think vital signs) for us to come together.
To have our tribe. To lean on our people. To reach out and connect with new folx who become our people.
As we come together our individual candles start to light up the world.

And we must balance as best we can.
So we do not to burn out.
Or start a wildfire.

So yes, YOU are a luminary.

And together we got this. We carry the evolution within our hearts. The fire in our bellies.

Today, of all days, the day after Winter Solstice - the longest night and shortest day of the year - where many cultures for centuries have ushered in the light, welcoming it back to continue blessing the Earth with it's light and warmth.

Shine on, luminary,

ashley koe
Founder of Align & Thrive™

If you are ready to collectively bring our lights together and join others in this illumination of our world, I invite you to check out Align & Thrive™. It IS our time. Our world is transforming in magnificent ways. Your light is needed.

Because I ended up taking Winter Solstice as a day of rest, (whew, that was an intense and incredible 24 hours), Early Bird has been extended to 12/31/17 at 11:59pm. Check out these incredible bonuses and the various options.
Want to learn more about soul alignment and energy but you're not certified in an energy healing modality, Option 1 is for you.
Already certified in an energy healing modality and want to expand your tools and feel more confident in your healing? Option 2 is ready for you.
Ready to step into becoming the professional healer that you know you're meant to be? Option 3 is for you!

The 3 important D's of a lightworker's work

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Death, Destruction and Darkness
Are a part of the cycle of life.

They are catalysts for breaking down that which no longer serves our highest good.

They help us clear the way for new growth.

They are just as important as birth, growth and light.

We cannot have one without the other.

This is the dichotomy.
It is the cycle of nature.
And she knows what she is doing.

We must not fight it.
Fighting it only contributes to suffering.
It’s us resisting (and I don’t mean that in a good way)
It’s us leaving claw marks in the journey of being changed.

When we flow WITH it we are in alignment.
Yes, even the death, destruction, darkness and everything ‘going up in flames’ can be in alignment with your soul.

So allow yourself to crash & burn
Because only from that ‘bottom’ is where you can rise from the ashes.

You don’t have to do this alone. Align & Thrive™️ Energy Alignment Mentoring Program is where we come together and grow through these life experiences, course corrections and soul alignment adventures together.

Early bird ends 12/21/17 - don’t just intend for a transformational 2018, commit to it through action.

Http://alignandthrive.com for all the details.

Another letter from my soul to yours

Dear VIP,

It's time.

Sensitives, Lightworkers, healers, movers and shakers everywhere are being asked to suit up and show up.

For yourself.
For your Soul.
For others.
For the world.

We're being asked to go within.
To get to know ourselves more intimately.

The beautiful thing is, you don't have to journey this alone.
You can be among others who are also on this journey.

Who understand. Who get it. Who are also going within and braving the wilderness.

You see, our soul never wants to feel lonely.
We were not made that way.
We were divinely designed with connection in mind.

This is how we grow. At rapid speeds.
To see ourselves reflected in others. In their experiences. In their beliefs.
To be connected. To be seen. To be felt. To be supported.
Integrating human experiences. This contributes to our soul growth.

This is soul intimacy.
Intimacy = into me I see

This is what it is to be intimate with your Self once again.
Your human mind. Your human emotions. Your human experiences.

Nothing goes unturned.
Everything is revamped.

We reconnect with your inner navigation.
We remember that we are all connected.

We grow from the compost, dirt, and darkness.
Allowing nature to take its course without our will interfering.
Rising with effortless ease.

Moving forward in life knowing a new way of BEing.
A familiar way of living.
A way we always yearned to feel. A way we have worked so hard to feel.
It is now here.
Connected. Rooted. Aligned. Present. Thriving.

This is the other side.
This is reaping what we sow.
This is what we get when we are willing to do the work.

To explore the darkness.
The shadows.
To uncover what is dimming our light.
To align with our soul.

Wishing you all of this and so much more, dear soul,

ashley koe
Energy Intuitive, Alignment Coach,
Certified Reiki Master Teacher (CRMT), and
Founder of Align & Thrive™

PS. If you'd like to join the revolution of sensitives and lightworkers on a path of aligning with their soul's intentions, I invite you to check out our Energy Alignment Mentoring Program, Align & Thrive™.
This is my soul's work - to mentor fellow sensitives how to co-create an energetically nourishing life aligning with their soul.