Why I struggle identifying as an Empath

Can I be real with you right now?

I've always struggled with identifying as an Empath.

You see, when we're learning that we're empathic beings one of the first bonding experiences is connecting over the hurts and negative aspects of being an Empath.

👉 Overwhelm & confusion
👉 Exhausted & depleted
👉 Anxiety & depression

🙋🏻‍♀️ Wanting to be the change in the world
🙋🏻‍♀️ Continually attracting narcissists
🙋🏻‍♀️ Repeatedly being told, "you're too sensitive"

It's a way to finally be able to identify that's what is going on, which is fantastic.

But the problem is that all too often it is common practice that we end up accepting that as our 'fate' and our 'end all be all'

It's status quo to collect a few tools on how to cope and deal with this place of constant overwhelm.

You see, this didn't sit well with me as a solution-based, 'what's the lesson in this,' all about empowerment type of person.

Then I realized why... It's a form of trauma-bonding.
It keeps us stuck, sick, disempowered and victimized.

Instead we can use that information to move in to a solution of empowerment and learn how to navigate our world with knowing these truths.

Lately we've seen a rise in the collective consciousness with energies:
🌙 Meditation, Yoga, Mindfulness,
🌙 Law of Attraction
🌙 Astrology - more people know about Mercury Retrograde, the Moon cycles and that there's more to your natal chart than your sun sign.

It's a beautiful time!

It's a time of the Empaths, Sensitives and Intuitives rising and aligning with their divine power.

When we are done being bogged down, anxiety-ridden and devastated over the state of our world, and ready for a real change within - because we're aware we can't change the world, then we're ready!

🌟 We're ready to step in to our power.
🌟 We're ready to know how these empathic experiences are here to serve us (and therefore the world).
🌟 We're ready to learn how to navigate our daily life as an empowered empathic being

During my journey as an Empath / Sensitive / Intuitive I've been blessed with teachers and mentors who have showed up and shared with me these truths that resonated with my soul:

🤯 We CAN learn how to separate our energy from other people's and know what's ours and what isn't,
🤯 We CAN discover why we're continually getting thrown off kilter and how to stay centered, and
🤯 We CAN be energized and no longer be drained or overwhelmed!

Do you resonate with this?? Does your soul desire this, also?

The past 10 years I've been on a mission to support the Empaths / Sensitives / Invuitives of the world who are at this tipping point and are READY.

And let me tell you... it's been AMAZING!!!
It's not for everyone and I honor that.
But when it is, woweeee do I LOVE getting to do this work and see people experience the liberation and transformation!

If this resonates with you, the doors to my program, Align & Thrive™ are now open.
And let me tell you, this group is like no other.

Here's to empowerment for the Empaths!
Here's to aligning with our soul and thriving!
And most of all, here's to you!

ashley koe

Why I struggle identifying as an Empath.jpg

Chaos + Centeredness = ??

Can you have both chaos and feel centered at the same time?
Right now in our world we are experiencing upheavals back to back. We have barely recovered from the last one and next thing you know another one comes to our awareness.

Click here to read more and find out about our July Special. This is the final time you will be able to see these rates before they transform.

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